Wednesday, September 15, 2004

My People are Fighting the Power

It is annoying. And it is true. When I was a kid, I'm ashamed to say, I asked my Dad if my family was in the mafia. Here is a poll.

One of my favorite examples of this stuff is Super Mario Brothers. Imagine if it was Super Jamal Brothers or Super Jose Brothers or Super Chang Brothers or Super Bernstein Brothers, with all the stereotypes. What do you think the reaction would be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't see what the big deal is, Guido.
Just kidding. But I kinda know what you are talking about. My Great-Grandparents are what I call boaters, meaning they came over on a boat from Italy in the mid-1910's. Though 75% of my background is German, when people hear that I am a 25% Italian, they call me Guido, WOP, etc., but never call me Fritz or Kraut. It's amazing what is and isn't stereo typed these days.
As for the thinking your family is involved in the Mafia, I asked my dad the same thing about my Great-Grandparents, especially after I found my Great-grandfathers Ruby ring.
It is weird seeing the groups that are and aren't stereotyped, and how accepted it is. For instance, people are more likely to think that because I am part Italian I have Mafia connections, but don't even make jokes about being a Nazi, even being mostly German. And, when someone does think you are involved with the Mafia due to heritage, it isn't considered an insult; but ask someone if they are a Nazi because they are German...whoa buddy.

-Marine II