Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Pretty rare...

I pretty much disagree with everthing Sports Guy thinks about HBO's new show, "Entourage," except Piven being great, as always. I think the producers have put together a brilliant show for the simple reason that they are not taking themselves too seriously. Not everything is drama, not every relationship has to be strained, not every posse is all about power relationships. The reason the show works is because it is fun, not some depressing and trite weepfest about how money and fame can ruin friendships. I expected from "Entourage" everything that Sports Guy thinks they should do, so I did not watch it at first, but when I discovered how easygoing it is, it hooked me.

By the way, the Cameron Diaz parody character in "Lost in Translation" was so bad it was almost a dealbreaker for me in that movie. I get it Sophia Coppola (how could anyone miss it?), you think we're all fools for paying attention to actresses who are good-looking but utterly brainless and uncomplicated, unlike, hmmm, oh I don't know... you (played by Scarlette Johanson).

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