Thursday, February 16, 2006

More interesting poll data

Giuliani good, Gore bad.


thedude said...

There was a time when my biggest Al Gore-related worry was his record as an environmentalist. Oh how that pales in comparison to what could have taken place had Gore been elected President in 2000. I myself have plenty of criticism for President Bush and his administration, but I thank God, and with far less frequency than is due, that during these critical times one Albert J. Gore has been sent to pasture. Al, your most popular period was when your primary occupation was beard-growing. People really seem to love your beards and I'd suggest that you run with that.

dcat said...

What is your evidence that a Gore presidency would have bene bad? people not in power have more leeway to speak out than those in power. I have seen no sign that Gore in power would have been any more of a disaster than this administration.


thedude said...

I’m no expert on modern American liberalism, so I’m not the person to run through the details of why American voters have rejected Democratic candidates in favor of George W. Bush. What I can tell you is that I am a voter, and that I sense a certain tendency in both Gore and Kerry, in which they attempt to make political hay by “speaking out” against their own country in a time of war, and in the case of Gore to a foreign audience. I wasn’t sure Gore really had it in him to do that until he recently confirmed it, and for that reason, among others, I’m sooo glad he isn’t President at this critical time. I’d much rather vote for a stumbling bumpkin with a moral compass than someone who is willing to play politics (and very counterproductive politics, it would seem) with his own country's image in a time of war.

thedude said...

I failed to answer your question directly. My fault, I really have to work on that. My answer is a personal opinion, which as the 2000 and 2004 elections indicate, is not held by me alone. Specifically, I would say that the person is as important as the politics. I believe it is fair to take Al Gore's recent behavior as an indication of what kind of President he would have been.