Friday, August 05, 2005

When Columnists Need Something to Write

Derek pointed this one out to me: H.D.S. Greenway, World War II and the fog of history.

Greenway includes such insights as the Chinese and Japanese disagree about World War II, lots of French collaborated with the Nazis but don't admit it, Stalin thought the Soviets did most of the heavy lifting in the war, and some people question the morality of dropping the bomb. Then he comes with the thunder, concluding decisively, "But there is no agreement on that now, and perhaps there will never be."

Here's the thing, Mr. Greenway: we know that people disagree on these things. But every side is not right. Take a stand. Have an opinion. Back it up with some facts. Make the case.

The lack of solid answers and the continuation of disagreements that should be settled are due in part to limp-noodle journalists who default to the position that all opinions have merit. Fog of history, indeed.

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