Friday, August 05, 2005


The Big Tent expansion and remodel has begun. Of special note is the new "Big Tent Empire" menu on the left side of the blog.

Big Tent Extra will be a place for our longer works, either original to Big Tent or stuff we publish elsewhere online. In order to keep Extra from getting too cluttered, each of us will have a personal page off of the Extra page for our older works.

Expanded Links will be an annotated list of our favorite sites. Don't expect too much from that one just yet.

Pictures will be a place for, uhh, pictures. Since we are all so spread out, that page will be a chance to give post some shots of what were doing, what we've seen, how fat we've gotten, etc.

Bios is just that, a place to introduce each of us to our readers.

There it is. More will be happening with the graphics of all the Big Tent sites over the next couple of weeks, but the reorganization has begun. Please bear with us: like Ren in a tie, it will no doubt be awkward for a little while.

We welcome any of your suggestions. Except the stupid ones.

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