Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hysterical - Crazy - Wonderful

What would we do without celebrity activists to entertain us? In a street interview, Harry Belafonte called Black Republicans 'Tyrants'. According to Belefonte, "Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich. Color does not necessarily denote quality, content or value." JD, any comments on that one?

The interview continued:

'[If] a black is a tyrant, he is first and foremost a tyrant, then he incidentally is black. Bush is a tyrant and if he gathers around him black tyrants, they all have to be treated as they are being treated,' he added.

When asked specifically who was a 'black tyrant' in the Bush administration, Belafonte responded to this reporter, 'You.' When this reporter noted that he was a Caucasian and attempted to ask another question, Belafonte abruptly ended the interview by saying, 'That's it.'

The video is even better. I love the internet.


Tom said...

I deleted a comment that I'm pretty sure was blog comment spam.

Either that, or someone was really excited about ceiling fans.

Stephen said...

I know I am.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what bothers me more about the present state of our country: the fact that entertainers think they have the answers to the world's problems; or the fact that there are people (hopefully few) who listen to them.

Janeane Garofalo: As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion.
Matt Damon: Matt Damon.
"Team America:World Police"

dcat said...

Let's be careful about lumping all entertainers together. This comment is colossally stupid, but Belafonte has done more good for the United States and race relations in his life through his involvement with the Civil Rights Movement than everyone, myself included, who has ever written a comment at Big Tent. A momentary burst of idiocy does not cover up a life of good, brave, admirable works. Belafonte is not Matt Damon. Not knowing as much redounds to you guys. And not in a good way. Padawan John (your real name?) probably ought to know that not listening to celebrities because they are celebrities is as dumb as listening to them because they are. It might be useful to listen instead to the argument. This one was dumb on its merits, but that does not mean that Belafonte is prima facie illigitimate when he speaks about race.
