Monday, May 16, 2005

Star Wars Research

Congratulations Stephen, you found the worst review of Episode III (not VI). Almost everyone else disagrees. I generally like Podheretz, but considering the Weekly Standard is also the source of the single dumbest review of Return of the King (by Jonathan Last), I'm not sure we should take them too seriously when it comes to movie reviews.

They should stick to evil neocon plans to control the known universe. (Insert evil laugh here.)


Mark said...

Looks like we can blame Podhoretz for the VI/III confusion. That might affect how we look at his review, especially since he focuses it around all the stuff people slam Lucas for (eg. bad dialogue).

BTW, speaking of the problem of spelling standards... (Sorry Tom)

Tom said...

I got an idea--now that you have expanded your Canadian empire into editorial powers, why don't you fix my stupid mistakes, Mr. Critical.

While were at it, what's this "BTW" stuff? We can do w/out such abbreviations, IMHO. LOL.