Monday, May 16, 2005


Meet the Poor Republicans


Stephen said...

"According to the Pew study, 76 percent of poor Republicans believe most people can get ahead with hard work. Only 14 percent of poor Democrats believe that. Poor Republicans haven't made it yet, but they embrace what they take to be the Republican economic vision - that it is in their power to do so. Poor Democrats are more likely to believe they are in the grip of forces beyond their control."

The Lazy Iguana said...

Whose study?

The reality is that most poor people will continue to be poor - regardless of who they vote for. The rich will stay rich regardless of who they vote for. Hard work is important, but roofing is hard work - and I do not see many rich roofers.

There are forces beyond the control of people. Some are natural - earthquakes and hurricanes for example. Others are the resut of greed - for example the United Airlines Pension Fund going belly up. But one thing I am positive of - the top management of United Airlines will get paid. They will get bonuses. And when the airline is bought up, they will all have golden parachtes. But the flight attendand that worked hard for 30 years will get screwed.

And neither party seems to want to do anything about it. Go figure.

Stephen said...

For more information on Pew, check
Most poor people will not continue to be poor. Poverty is fluid and situational. Most families will not be in poverty for more than 20 years, for instance. Very few families with a mother and a father in the home are poor. I have met plenty of roofers who were not poor. They were not rich but they make more than me. I do not consider myself poor. Anyone who makes between $15-18/hr. would be in my salary range. The number of people who are made poor by natural disasters, I would guess (in the US) would not be statistically significant. I am also guessing that most of the people who will lose money because of the United Airlines Pension fund going "belly up" are not poor. They are probably middle and working class.

I am positive that if the flight attendant had been allowed to put her money into a diversified investment portfolio for the past 30 years she would not be poor. Republicans do care about that.

At any rate, according to the Pew study you would be a Democrat.