Thursday, December 23, 2004


Defends Rumsfeld.


Anonymous said...

time for a change

Anonymous said...

Hanson is at his worst when it seems that he is blaming Clinton. My friend he is out of office. Focus on the present. More troops. A face of responsibility for the Abu Ghriab horror. Rummy's (yes I know that is like calling TR Teddy) quittin' papers. This blog understands the historical moment we are living in. Rumsfeld does not deserve our defense. We deserve better because we have to win.

Jonathan Dresner said...

I think his argument is particularly weak where he talks about "sudden" and "unforseen" problems, but lists flashpoints and conflicts that have existed for years, if not decades, and ignores the importance of non-military solutions to conflict. But, as anonymous said above, he's also way off base in his Clinton history.

Stephen said...

I am going to chime in with a meek "I have no idea." I don't know enough about what is going on within the defense department. I also don't know what happens in the cabinet meetings. Perhaps Rumsfeld is a blunt, honest, advisor for Bush behind closed doors. Perhaps it is too soon to assign blame to Rumsfeld for the various failings at defense. I lack information and perspective on this issue. Everyone with an opinion has an agenda, of course, and I haven't seen any comprehensive and convincing arguments about his personal culpability. War is always full of comedy, tragedy, and error. This one has been no different. I actually expected much worse. Still do.
That is not to say that he is perfect. I am quite sure he is not. Of course, Rumsfeld might be a political liability at this point, but that is a different issue.

On another note, it is good to see Dresner commenting over here. Merry Christmas!