Tuesday, March 23, 2004

From the Big Tent mailbox (Marine II edition), responding to the pictures of the San Fran rally:

Okay, so let me get this straight... I can compare Bush to Hitler, and say they are both evil men, and I can be anti-semitic to the point where I want to eradicate the Jewish race, but I am not racist, nor am I anything like Hitler.

My head hurts.

What really gets me is that these people that are protesting are so clueless and ignorant as to the real conditions in the countries they are protesting for. For example, in the photos for the protest that you posted, one woman was wearing a shirt that said "Boobs instead of Bombs". Hey, I am all for boobies, but if that girl wore that shirt, hell that outfit, in Iraq, she would be shot before she had a chance to explain.

If they hate our country so much, why don't they move over to Iraq and really help them out. Seriously, we should send them over there for a month. Hell, I'll scrape together the money for the ride over.

All I can say is that if these people but down the hash for five minutes and sobered up into what I like to call the "Real World", and realize that the people they are protesting for would rather shoot them who they are rather than thank them for what they are doing.

Oh, well, unfortunately people like this will always fight for a Utopia that sadly will never occur. Maybe if they put the bong down and pick up a bar of soap every once in a while they will learn.

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