Thursday, November 09, 2006

Next 3 weeks

Anyone who knows why this many library books have been piled on my couch, knows what I'm about to get into tomorrow. (These, of course, aren't the only piles, so stop counting how many books there are.) My exams start this weekend, so my blogging is going to be lighter than normal. Final scheduled date is November 30, so should be back then.


Stephen said...

Nice tabs. Good luck. You'll be fine.

Mark said...


People always like the colors. Wish I could say they were deliberate.

J.D. said...

Best of luck, Mark. I second Stephen's comment--you'll do fine.

dcat said...

This is the perfect classic example of what truly separates a PhD from a non-PhD. As vital as the dissertation is to becoming a scholar, passing comps is what separates a PhD from someone who thinks he or she knows a lot of history and has read a lot of books. Good luck, you'll do fine, and half the battle is in the preparation (of course the bigger half of the battle is in those four days of written exams and your orals, but you knew that already!).

I'd love to say that the post brought me back to a wistful time, but there is nothing wistful about comps, especially if you have Hamby's reading list.

Knock 'em dead, or at least don't let 'em knock you dead.


Stephen said...

Aren't you missing a "u" in colors?

Tom said...

Looking at the picutre, I'm wistful for the glories of OhioLink. Oh, how I miss an efficient interlibrary loan system.

Good luck Mark. I have no doubt that you will joined the esteemed ranks of ABD-dom soon enough.