Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Best supporting neocon

Max Boot applauds George Clooney for his neocon movies.


Anonymous said...

I have seen Syriana and I don't know what Boot is talking about when he call its "anti-American." The movie very much questions American foreign policy in the Middle East but that surely doesn't make it "anti-American." Clooney makes thoughtful and engaging movies--you might disagree with his perspective but I would much rather have directors and writers engaged in public events than have a Hollywood that merely churns out Ace Ventura or Toy Story.

Tom said...

I don't know that I would agree that I want directorrs and writers doing contemporary affairs in their movies. They do a much better job with the Ace Ventura's and Toy Story's.

Anonymous said...

I conclude from Max Boot's touching letter to George Clooney ("Best supporting neocon," Los Angles Times, March 15, 2006) that it takes one to know one--a neocon that is. Right-winger Boot, formerly of the Wall Street Journal and now spending time at the Council of Foreign Ratlines, demonstrates an amazing capacity to spot a fellow neocon in a little suspected place, a silver-screen image projected out of liberal Hollywood.

Boot's own "neocondom" outing into the safe politics of the rich and powerful came in a column he wrote for the December 30, 2002 Wall Street Journal. He starts his confession by asking, "What the Heck Is a Neocon?" and then admits, "I suppose that makes George W. Bush a neocon. If it's good enough for the president, it's good enough for me."

I think that Boot's fellow neocons of Hollywood let him down this year in their award of the Oscar for best supporting actor. It would have better gone to George W. Bush. And for his leading role, Dick Cheney should have been recognized as best actor. His shoot-my-buddy improvisation--foreshadowed by a beer for lunch and trailered with a twenty-four-hour delay in reporting--added a Texas-two-step dimension to In Cold Blood. And even without makeup, Cheney looks more like Truman Capote.

Tom said...

What's the weather like this time of year on Planet Crazy?

g_rob said...

What the......?