Thursday, September 08, 2005

Kanye Redux

I know Mark linked this days ago, but I am not kidding when I say that the Kanye West - Mike Myers video is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I'm actually crying right now from laughing so hard.


Tom said...

If that was a skit on Saturday Night Live and Tracy Morgan or Chris Rock were playing Kanye's part, it would not have been any funnier. I can't get over it. Brilliant.

Mark said...

I think it's great that he's the cover story on Time's Aug. 29 issue. Just in case you're wondering, the cover calls him the "smartest man in pop music". Not much of an accolade really.
There's not much in the article on his politics, but at least we learn something about the activist parents he mentioned at Live8.

Anonymous said...

This makes me happy:

Mark said...

Here's the whole story. Apparently the writer wasn't one of those booing.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that _Time_ magazine also featured Anne Coulter on their cover as a "great mind" -- so Kanye West must truly be brilliant.