Wednesday, September 07, 2005

International Journal of Naval History

Interesting stuff for Mahanites like us....

It is probably a problem that this bibliography for a new biography of Erich Raeder does not mention Robert Buchanan's dissertation on the admiral. The late Dr. Buchanan was a longtime professor at Adams State, and I had the honor of being in his last class. I have not read his dissertation, but considering the paucity of material on Raeder in English, I would think it would be required reading for any biography. JD?


J.D. said...

I have not read Buchanan's study either, Tom, but certainly it should be on the list. Raeder, to me, is one of the more fascinating military men of the Third Reich, one whose zeal for Nazism has been constantly debated. The former Grand Admiral fell out of favor with Hitler early in the war and was replaced by Karl Doenitz. Raeder was sentenced by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg to life imprisonment for planning war and ordering the execution of prisoners, but was released in 1955. Interestingly, he pleaded unsuccessfully for a death sentence after his conviction...

Anyway, I plan to get my mits on Buchanan's diss and the new Navy bio. I'll let you know what I think of them.

Tom said...

You might all be interested to know that, if I remember correctly, Prof. Buchanan finished his course work at CU in 1950 and then went to teach at Adams State. Check the date on his dissertation. Yep, thirty years.

I don't know if that is reason for hope or despair for those who are trying to finish their dissertations. I guess it depends how long you've been at it.