Tuesday, September 13, 2005

George Will on Katrina and Stuff

Unlike Stephen, I am not a big Will fan, but there are some interesting parts to his latest article. For example:

Because it was released during the post-Katrina debacle, scant attention was paid to the National Center for Health Statistics' report that in 2003, 34.6 percent of all American births were to unmarried women. The percentage among African American women was 68.2.

Given that most African Americans are middle class and almost half live outside central cities, and that 76 percent of all births to Louisiana African Americans were to unmarried women, it is a safe surmise that more than 80 percent of African American births in inner-city New Orleans -- as in some other inner cities -- were to women without husbands. That translates into a large and constantly renewed cohort of lightly parented adolescent males, and that translates into chaos in neighborhoods and schools, come rain or come shine.

This will become of intense interest to the 'czar' or 'czarina' -- this republic has a fascinating reflex for cloaking improvised offices with the dignity, such as it was, of defunct Russian royalty -- who is charged with 'overseeing' the 'rebuilding' of New Orleans.

Yeah, what is up with us using "czar" for administrative positions?

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