Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sports Guy on Politics

Trenchant analysis in his latest mailbag:

If you don't think Hillary Clinton will be running the country in four years, you're crazy. Ever been stuck in a room full of women when they decide on something ridiculous like 'Andie McDowell has been the most beautiful woman in Hollywood for the past 15 years' and they will absolutely stick together until the death when you're posing counterarguments? Well, I think that's how the 2008 election is going to unfold -- Hillary is going to be Andie McDowell-ed right into the presidency. If she becomes president, that means any woman can become president. It's too important not to vote for her. So they'll vote for her.

(And just for the record, I probably will, too -- I miss having Bill Clinton around. Imagine having him on tour as the First Man? How much trouble could he get into? It would be just as if he was the president again, only without any responsibility. Think about it -- even when he did have responsibility, the whole Lewinsky debacle happened. As the First Man? Anything's possible.)

Sometimes I think it would be nice if the presidency existed just for our amusement. It does the raise the question: pretend you don't care about the dignity of the office or any of that stuff, who was the most amusing president?

Think about it. The list is pretty extensive, depending on your sense of humor (for example, I think Nixon was hysterical).


Stephen said...


g_rob said...

Nixon. Perot was never president, Dr. Tootle.

Stephen said...

I misunderstood the question. I was thinking of who would have been the most amusing President instead of who was the most amusing.

New answer: TR

g_rob said...

Lame excuse. It would have been funnier had Perot died in office because Admiral Stockdale would have then been president. Now, he was a funny S.O.B.

Anonymous said...

Skinny dipping in the Potomac is quite amusing.

Tom said...

Paul, was that a John Quincy Adams reference? If so, excellent.

Atlas, It's too bad Condoleezza Rice isn't really a politician, or we could probably settle that question with one candidate. I was kidding about Sports Guy's theory. No doubt the women he hangs around with would get together and vote for Sen. Clinton , then again, there's whole circles of women in other parts of the country who would be mobilized to vote against her. I don't know which group is bigger.

Anonymous said...

Tom: Indeed it was.
Atlas: Just because we don't elect Hillary doesn't mean we are a sexist nation. And 'president of color' sounds like something you see if you are on mushrooms.

Also, anyone suspicious of the timing of the new Geena Davis TV show?

Stephen said...

I am laughing at the "president of color" comment.