Monday, August 29, 2005


Iraq is not Vietnam:
""Vietnam never had a legitimate government in Saigon that the people believed in and trusted. There was superpower engagement in a huge way. We had a problem with the Syrians -- but nothing like what the Chinese and Russians were doing for the North Vietnamese. You had basic sanctuary in North Vietnam. The whole situation, I think, was very, very different," the Arizona Republican told CBS News yesterday.
"And I'd like to point out one additional aspect. When we left Vietnam, there wasn't a fear that the Vietnamese would come after us. If we fail in Iraq, it will be cataclysmic. You'll see factionalization and eventual Muslim extremism and terrorist breeding grounds that would, I believe, pose a direct threat to the security of the United States. And I'm very glad that the American people -- understandably dissatisfied, understandably frustrated -- still, the majority of them don't think we ought to cut and run," Mr. McCain said. "

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