Sunday, August 07, 2005

Great Raid writing

More on the writing of the movie version of "The Great Raid". The History Channel ran a behind the scenes, and one of the interviewees was Hampton Sides. So obviously he had a larger role than just "additional material". They're doing a History vs. Hollywood on the movie this week, so we'll have to see who's getting the credit in there.

On a similar note, another recent popular WWII book is coming to the big screen, courtesy Clint Eastwood: Flags of our Fathers.


Tom said...

I have seen the movie. Sometime this week I will be explaining why and how and give my review.

Remember to tune in to Big Tent.

Tom said...

By the way, you are right Mark, Hampton Sides did do more than provide additional material. The movie is based on both books, and both authors contributed to the making of the film.