Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Derek's Blog

DCAT. He has a funny up already. Add him to your favorites.


dcat said...

Thanks, Tom. I hope you guys will check it out regularly. It will have some regular features on books, music, etc. and the usual babble, for good or for ill. If you didn't like me on rebunk, you'll not love me on DCAT!

Anonymous said...

I like the look of the new blog. Was that a template?

Tom said...

It is a template, and speaking of, Big Tent is going to get a bit of a face lift in the coming weeks. It should be very cool.

dcat said...

Anon -- It is a template because I'm dumb and if I had to start my own blog from scratch it would probably consist of me photocopying handwritten rants and handing them out to people on the streets of Oxford. Which, come to think of it, would give me a lot more readers.
