Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Michael Barone

The president's opponents should spend their time and energy on more constructive endeavors, because, Barone writes, Bush bashing fizzles.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, leaking the name of a covert CIA agent is no big deal. Probably just a slip of the tongue anyway, not a concerted effort to discredit a critic of the administration.

Tom said...

Yes, by all means, continue to expend energy going after Karl Rove for maybe leaking the name of a CIA agent who may or may not have been covert and who may or may not have been leaked already.

I'm sure the Republicans will love that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to say that Democrats don't need to work on reframing their message or on offering new ideas instead of just being anti-Bush, but they'd be idiots not to try and score some political points off Kove. We all see how the game in Washingon works and in the particular case of the Plame-Kove affair this gives Dems a chance to show that a high level Republican may have done something negative in regards to national security. Maybe this will play into some narrative which includes the current underfunding of some areas of homeland security that will close the national security gap b/t Rs and Ds in time for 06. Maybe the Democratic leadership is just terrified of the Boy Genius running another Republican campaign and see this as their chance to prevent that. Either way this issue is a winner for the Ds in that the special prosecutor and the media do all the work and if Rove is cleared, then no harm done to Ds.

Tom said...

This is why Democrats are struggling right now. Do you honestly think underfunding of homeland security is a winner in national security? Ha. The Democrats need to start thinking offensively, not defensively. But they won't, because the crazy part of their base thinks we should just give great big hugs to people who want to kill us.

Special prosecutors cost money. The media storm will backfire if Rove is cleared. He can advise Republican campaigns whether he has an official position or not. Going after Rove on this issue is a waste of time and money, and makes the Democrats look reactive and petty instead of proactive and decisive.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a scenerio where God forbid we are attacked again in such a way that the casualties could have been minimized had we put more money into transit security or something similar. I think there is a view in the Democratic party that isn't being articulated very well that is not against being proactive but believes that more could and should have been done at home before our attention was turned to much needed reform in the Middle East. It doesn't have to be one or the other but more could be done here. I think people like Senator Biden are trying to raise this point. Homeland security is a huge part of national security and as a political issue will increase in importance if we are attacked again and the public feels the govt didn't do enough here to secure America.

Ok we have gotten totally off subject but I really believe the Rove issue will be a win for the Democrats after the investigation is concluded this fall.