Sunday, July 31, 2005


with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice


Anonymous said...

SECRETARY RICE: Well, let's see if Robin gets the reference: "Three yards and a cloud of dust." (Referring to slowly improving transatlanic relations)

A football metaphor in an interview about foreign policy? Everytime I hear/read Secretary Rice give an interview I am more and more impressed...

g_rob said...

My brother once predicted she would be the next commissioner of the NFL.

Tom said...

Hey, that was my prediction.... To be fair, she has explicitly claimed that she wants the job.

(She's also a Browns fan, but try not to hold that against her.)

g_rob said...

Ok so maybe it wasn't a prediction, but I'm pretty sure I heard it from my bro before I heard it from you, Tom. He also told me about some budget cuts occurring soon in the defense department. And by the way, I'm not a fan of anything Cleveland right now. I got grounded there on my way home from D.C. and instead of ending my vacation wrestling with trout the size of footballs in Montana I sat at a smokey bar at the Sheraton in Cleveland discussing the numerous times the local, grossly-polluted river has spontaneously combusted into a raging inferno. I did get to fly on the same aircraft with Jared from Subway. He is one big m'fer.

Tom said...

Threats? So that's how it is. I guess now would be a good time to mention the *ahem* indelicate pictures I procured from your last family holiday. I'm just saying...

And when you pot-smoking hippies finally have too big a circle of kumbaya and it triggers a massive earthquake that makes you all slide into the Pacific, we'll be having a massive BBQ over our burning river. As you float out to sea, you'll think through your drug haze how much you wish you were in Cleveland.

g_rob said...

Hey, those were my family's sheep. I don't care what the Clampett's said. I'll take my chances with the earthquake. Haven't felt one in Auburn (that's in the northern Sierra Nevada mts., not the Bay Area or southern Cal.) in 30 years.

Tom said...

Of course you haven't felt any earthquakes--you're too hopped up on the reefer to feel anything. Hippie.

g_rob said...

It's not so much the reefer as the bottle of cough medicine I drink every morning.

Tom said...
