Friday, July 01, 2005

Day of Canada

Yes, you may think you have the July long weekend to yourselves, but 138 years ago we decided to horn in on all the fireworks and barbecue festivities. So Happy Canada Day!! We may not be celebrating something quite as exciting as "declaring our independence", but we can still take the day off to head to the cottage with a 2-4 of Molson or Labatt's. And the good folks here in Columbus have even been kind enough to put on their fireworks display tonight rather than Monday (don't ask me why, but I'm not complaining). So if you have a chance today, drop by a Tim Horton's, play a little hockey, or watch a little SCTV or Degrassi Junior High, and celebrate your neighbours to the North. And here's just a little bit of extraneous patriotism:


Jodi said...

YAY! Have some poutine! Top it off with some beavertails! Play some Bryan Adams or Anne Murray in the background!

(And if you can, try to find some Moosehead or Sleeman's instead of Molson's or Labatt's.)

Jodi said...

PS - I'm a bit disappointed that doesn't have a banner for today. :(