Monday, June 27, 2005


Amir Taheri on the Iranian elections: Islamist Regime In Total Control.

Obviously, I'm hardly in a position to really analyze the situation in Iran, and we'll have to see what impact, if any, the presidential election has. Some potential thoughts. If the fundamentalists try to tighten their control, especially over the economic and social life, you have to wonder what the reaction will be. The pessimist, and Taheri would seem to be one, would say that there would be little reaction, and what reaction there is will be easy for the leaders to put down. On the other hand, a lot of the reports we've had coming from the ground in Iran would seem to suggest that the loosening of the restrictions have been wildly popular and have opened the door to expectations of more. So there are strong possibilities that Iran is becoming a powderkeg, and an Islamist turn might be a match to the fuse.

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