Friday, June 24, 2005

Hanson Downer

About as negative as I've ever seen him.


dcat said...

Seriously, though -- it is hard to take seriously someone bitching about both the elite media and removed academics as he writes for the National Review from his tenured sinecure in California. I wish I could be so beleaguered. I bet the steak at the Palms is not what it once was either. Feigning not to be part of an elite in which he is fully vested is one of the issues that many of us have with the grand pronouncements of Hanson. It is what us unsophisticates like to call a bit of a lie.

Stephen said...

His position at Stanford is not tenured.

Anonymous said...


Isn't Hanson's non-tenured status at Stanford beside the point? He was a tenured professor and his gig at Stanford is hardly insecure. Derek's point is a good one.