Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek and riots

Came across a new blog (yes he's Canadian, but don't hold that against him) with this to say about the rioting in the wake of the Newsweek "disclosure":
"If you ask me, the real bad guys here are those who would kill and riot because of a story like this, politicians who use the controversy to score cheap political points, and Islamofascist radicals using it as a means of stirring up unrest.... The Newsweek story probably doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Theo van Gogh's Submission, but the story did not cause these 15 deaths any more than van Gogh's movie caused his own murder. Those who acted on their murderous impulses, ultimately, bear all the responsibility. All of it. Anything less seems like our own version of the "American policy was the root cause of 9/11" argument."
Check it out: Daimnation!

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