Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Reader Mail

This has been on my shelf for a little while now, but a bunch of things kept me from getting to it.
Strawberry Shortcake writes:

SB 24 Nation Article by OU professor: A Student Bill of Fights.


FYI... In case you didn't see this article in the NY Times about academic freedom...: An Academic Question.


Mark said...

It seems I was too long in getting the NY Times link up, and it's gone subscription. If you want to see the article you can go here.

Mark said...

Hmm... and now I see that this has already gone through the Goldberg filter a few days ago (April 6th on Big Tent, to be exact). Oh well, like I said, I'm a little behind these days.

Tom said...

I already posted Goldberg's reponse to Krugman, but here is the link again

Tom said...

Whoops, just missed you. Nice. It's almost in real time.