Monday, April 11, 2005

NYT Fishing for an Op Ed

Quest to get a Republican to fight DeLay may have crossed a line


Anonymous said...

I understand why Stephen linked this article. It's disturbing to see the NY Times behaving in such a way. That said........Tom Delay is a piece of poo.

Stephen said...

I am not a Delay fan.

dcat said...

Wait a second, "Douchebag for Liberty" Bob Novak is daring to talk about journalistic ethics? This is a man who should be in jail for leaks that he made in his columns about the status of CIA operatives. And there seems to be an awful lot of speculation involved here. Nice to know that someone can write an entire piece on the basis of an email they have not even seen. Add this to our arsenal the next time some journalist mocks historians or our standards.