Wednesday, April 27, 2005

British academic anti-Semitism

Alan Dershowitz on the AUT's Israeli boycott: From Britain, with bigotry.

Some good passages:

"The terrible message being sent by this anti-Semitic action -- anti-Semitic because it will apply only to Israeli Jews, not Arabs or Christians -- is that the Jewish state will not be rewarded for taking steps toward peace and ending the occupation. Instead it will be punished."

"This academic boycott makes clear that when Israel does precisely what its detractors demand that it do, even then -- especially then! -- extreme left-wing academics will only despise Israel more for putting the lie to the professors' hate-filled views."

Of course, what these points make clear is that, despite their claims, these critics of Israel are not "anti-Israel", but anti-Semitic. Hopefully someone calls them on it.

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