Tuesday, March 08, 2005


OSU's Churchill Clones


Jonathan Dresner said...

So, how does it feel to have a co-blogger targetted by FPM?

Stephen said...

Not sure how I feel about it at this point. Grimsley did say he loves Horowitz, too. I have to admit I don't really understand Grimsley's support (or however you would describe his position) of Churchill.

Mark G. said...

You can engage with someone's ideas without necesarily liking the person or agreeing with the idea. Is this such a hard thing to grasp, or have I not been explaining myself well?

These days I spend more time engaging with the Horowitz critique of a lack of political diversity in the academy, even though the Horowitz crowd has so far impressed me only for its utter indifference to basic issues of fair play; e.g., quoting people accurately and providing trackbacks so readers can see a given statement for themselves. It makes no difference. The question they raise, taken as a question, is still legitimate.