Thursday, February 10, 2005


up your speakers and enjoy.


g_rob said...

In the words of Tommy Boy, "That....Was....AWESOME.

Stephen said...

I am afraid that not enought people checked that link. It really deserves more notice.

J.D. said...

I saw it and forwarded the link to about ten friends and colleagues. Then a colleague called to tell me that he had shot Dr. Pepper through his nose when he saw it, and then showed it to his next class.

So, Stephen, rest assured that many have seen it. Priceless.

J.D. said...

I saw it and forwarded the link to about ten friends and colleagues. Then a colleague called to tell me that he had shot Dr. Pepper through his nose when he saw it, and then showed it to his next class.

So, Stephen, rest assured that many have seen it. Priceless.