Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Remember the late 80s and early 90s?

The New Republic attacks the presidency G.H.W. Bush (free registration required). This article reminds me of a few things from that time. The press savaged the first President Bush while he was in office. They did not (and apparently still do not) understand the complexity of the issues he was facing at the end of the Cold War. And of course, if one strings together all of his worst moments, it is not difficult to make any politician look bad.

The Reagan administration almost qualifies as history. If this article is any indication, the presidency of G.W. Bush might subject his father's presidency to an extended period of intense politicization. The author wants to say to historians: "It is OK to say that they were both bad." George W. Bush might call this "revisionist history."

I think it means we will have to wait that much longer for a good history of the first Bush administration. At least we will still have Herb Parmet's biography. He wrote it before the 2000 election.

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