Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

You might need some of that whiskey in the ad to get through the last Bleat of '04.

I just sat here for a few minutes trying to figure out something to write about 2004. Lots of letters and backspacing ensued. Maybe that says something about the year for me. Then again, maybe that's a lazy cop-out for not wanting to explain a year that mixed lots of frustration and anxiety with a heaping dose of joy in the person of my now one year old (believe that?) son.

Here's to him and his mother and all of you. Have a happy and prosperous New Year.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that Tom! Happy New Year to you, Terrie, and darling Dominic!
Steve and the Canuck!

Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog Tom. I was searching for information on Christmas games and came across your post New Year's Eve - not quite what I was looking for related to Christmas games but very nice all the same!

We're all getting ready for Christmas and I've just put the finishing touches to my new site specially for kids, or rather their parents and relatives. You can go there and get Santa to send a really nice personalized letter to a youngster. It's great fun! If you have a moment, perhaps you'd enjoy taking a look: Letter from Santa .

Well, a merry Christmas to you and yours!