Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Zell Miller

Iwo Jima, if covered by media today - The Washington Times: Editorials/OP-ED - October 12, 2004 Note the name of the reporter: Cutie Cudley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, and very true. I can't believe how many people are getting their panties in twist over the low number of casualties. Yes, it is horrible that over 1,000 American service members have given the ultimate sacrifice. But, as pointed out, in 4 days of fighting on Iwo Jima, over 6,000 American Marines were killed. Let's do the math; about 1,100 in 18 months versus 6,000 in 4 days. There will be casualties in war, but if you look at the numbers, this is, I would guess the lowest number of casualties we have suffered in any time frame.
One negative is that Miller got the quote wrong, it's "Uncommon Valor was a common virtue" Adm. Chester Nimitz. (not uncommon courage)

-Marine II