Thursday, October 07, 2004

Some Sad News For Big Tent Contributors / Readers

Some very sad news has reached me from our loyal reader and friend Rachel A. I thought that all those contributors and readers who know Rachel would want to know about this, and she has agreed to my request to post this information.

Last Sunday night, one of Rachel's best friends, Kelly-Anne Drummond, was murdered by her boyfriend in their apartment in Montreal. I respectfully will leave out the minute details of the actual crime, as they are still being ascertained by the Montreal police. What I can say is that she was stabbed and was in a coma until this past Tuesday afternoon, when she was declared brain dead and was removed from life-support systems. The man responsible has been arrested and as of now has been charged with Murder in the Second Degree, pending the outcome of the remainder of the investigation.

Kelly-Anne's funeral is scheduled for this coming Monday, October 11.

Obviously, this is a horrible time for Rachel, her family, and certainly for Kelly-Anne's family. Rachel simply asks for any and all thoughts and prayers from all of you for everyone who is grieving this terrible loss.

I have searched in vain to find the story in the Montreal Gazette about the crime, so I am unable to link to it. However, should any of you out there (including Rachel and Stephen M.) find that link send it on to us at Big Tent or link it in a comment.

Rachel is currently composing a letter / article she hopes will get printed in the Montreal Gazette and perhaps in some publications stateside. Whenever that occurs or in lieu of such publication, I will either link to the article or will post in here in its entirety.

I do not want to give out too many other details without Rachel's permission, so I apologize in advance that the many questions you all have are probably not answered satisfactorily in this post.

On behalf of all who spend time under the Big Tent, I extend our deepest sorrows and our most heartfelt prayers and thoughts to the Drummond family and to our friends Rachel A., Stephen M., their families, and to all who knew and loved Kelly Anne.

I will post more information as I get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you J.D. for your kind words. It means a lot to know that someone cares. Fondly, Valerie