Monday, October 18, 2004

Reader Mail

Marine II writes:

Okay, I am going cross-eyed trying to read all of this; but thought I would pass it on to you. It’s pretty interesting about the U.N. resolutions involving Iraq.

Resolution 1511 (Oct. 16 2003) ,

“mandates the UN to 'strengthen its vital role in Iraq' (para 8)"

Resolution 1500 (Aug. 14. 2003)

“Establishes UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, as proposed by the Secretary General in a report on July 17"

Resolution 1483 (May 22 2003)

“Recognises Britain and the United States as occupying powers ('The Authority'), and calls on them to attempt to improve security and stability, and provide opportunities for the Iraqis to determine their political future. Creates position of UN Special Representative to Iraq, to coordinate UN activity. Requires establishment of Development Fund for Iraq.”

Now, I don’t know, but from what I have read, and mind you I have seriously gone cross-eyed trying to read these so I may be wrong, but from what I have read it kind of seems that the U.N. was backing what was going on saying there is a need for a more democratic system in Iraq and the even yielded power to, and acknowledged Britain and the U.S. as ‘The Authority’ in Iraq. So, my question is, from these Security Council Resolutions weren’t we given U.N. approval for going into Iraq? I am confused, seriously, all three of the sanctions, if memory serves me correctly, came AFTER Saddam was out of power. So, why is it being said that we don’t have U.N. support? Maybe I can’t read, really I don’t know any more.

Me: Everyone start buying Calphalon and call customer service to give Marine II something to do before he kills himself by UN Resolution (of course it seems the only way to actually get killed by UN Resolution is by reading them). My general impression is that we can't talk about anything right now because the campaign has gotten so heated that neither side is listening to the other. That includes the U.S. relationship with the rest of the world.

How's that for dodging? Anyone else want to take this one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry for bombarding you with emails lately, Tom. I did bring a book today, so I won't be searching the internet today. But, if you all want to call me at Calphalon and give me something to do, I'll be here all week. Just ask for Marine II and confuse the hell out of whom ever answers the phone.

Marine II