Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bush by a mile

Check my analysis over at Rebunk but the long and the short of it is that Bush won.


Anonymous said...

Big, big win for W? Just because he didn't bomb like he did in the first debate does not mean he won. I think (and Stephen I am not necessarily accusing you of this) that many people have a different standard of evaluation for Bush at these debates. When I watched the Gore-Bush as well as this series of debates I saw an overmatched Bush – in regards to grasp of policy in both 2000 and 2004 and in this series also in who appears more presidential. We all know that Bush is no Einstein, but I don’t think the bar should be lowered for him – after all we are auditioning these men for the most powerful office in the world.

Anyway, I believe that this was a strong performance for both. The questions were such that Bush could shore up his base and Kerry again for the third time passed the "undecided voter- he can be president test." Scoring round by round I think JK took it barely. Nov. 2nd will tell whether addressing the Republican base or going after undecideds will prove to be the right move.

Anonymous said...

Big, big win for W? Just because he didn't bomb like he did in the first debate does not mean he won. I think (and Stephen I am not necessarily accusing you of this) that many people have a different standard of evaluation for Bush at these debates. When I watched the Gore-Bush as well as this series of debates I saw an overmatched Bush – in regards to grasp of policy in both 2000 and 2004 and in this series also in who appears more presidential. We all know that Bush is no Einstein, but I don’t think the bar should be lowered for him – after all we are auditioning these men for the most powerful office in the world.

Anyway, I believe that this was a strong performance for both. The questions were such that Bush could shore up his base and Kerry again for the third time passed the "undecided voter- he can be president test." Scoring round by round I think JK took it barely. Nov. 2nd will tell whether addressing the Republican base or going after undecideds will prove to be the right move.