Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Reader Mail

Marine II writes:

Also, in other news, I don’t know if you have read this, but I’ll believe N. Korea’s story when me shit terns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet.


“The foreign minister told Rammell that the large explosion several days ago was part of a planned demolition of a mountain for the construction of a hydroelectric plant.”

“The South Korean news agency Yonhap reported seeing a mushroom cloud 4 kilometers (2 miles) wide over the border area between North Korea and China in Yanggang Province on satellite images Thursday.”

Yeah, if that is TNT, that’d be a hooooot. Though I do find it interesting that, at least on the surface, the U.S. is agreeing with the cover story. Personally, I’ll believe it when the inspectors go, and actually get back alive, without radiation poisoning.

Nice work on the Super Troopers reference.

1 comment:

Ren said...

I'm holding judgement until after this weekend. By then, all the people who know what happened will have gone out, boozed it up, tried to impress the ladies (or guys) and let slip the truth. Hopefully enough people will pay attention that it percolates into my range of vision.