Thursday, September 16, 2004


I have always opposed motor-voter laws. Here's why.


dcat said...

So rather than crack down on the fraud that occurs, you'd rather not open up the process to the most voters possible?
By the way, I find it interesting that Jeff Jacoby committed serious fraud himself -- a felony I believe -- in his little cat registration exercise to prove a point. Heroic.
I always find it interesting how conservatives want to limit access to voting.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative. I don't want to limit access to voting, but I don't want to make fraud so tempting an option.
I will agree with Derek on one point though. I really don't care if other people vote. Voting is not difficult. If you cannot do it, you should not be doing it. I really don't see any reason to make voting any easier than it already is.

Tom said...

Anonymous (Stephen?): I'm not sure "agree" means what you think it means, in this case.

Seriously, what is wrong with showing an ID when you vote? Isn't that a fairly simple solution to a lot of problems? Am I missing something, or are there lots of voting age American citizens out there with no forms of identification?