Monday, September 13, 2004

Civilization Ends!

Civil war breaks out! Roving gangs control all American cities as hundreds of thousands lie dead in the streets. Police are overwhelmed by the sudden change in circumstances. Okay, for all you hyperventilating liberals out there, shut your mouth, take a deep breath, and take a small step toward reality. The so-called assault weapons ban ran out and, wait for it folks, nothing happened. I mean, c'mon, who actually believes that the presence of flash suppressors and bayonet lugs made bank robberies that much more deadly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Police organizations, made up of individuals who are not, by and large, "hyperventilating liberals," but rather people whose lives could be very much affected (i.e., ended) by more powerful weaponry in the hands of criminals tend to support the assault weapons ban. Good enough for me.

And yeah, bank robberies *could* be more deadly if the would-be robbers were armed more heavily. It ain't brain surgery.