Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Town Meeting of the World: Robert Kennedy and Ronald Reagan

Some websites like NRO have been trumpeting this discussion with Reagan and RFK as a debate that Reagan won, and Kennedy knew it. Nonsense. It really is a forum for young people from around the world to ask hostile questions of two Americans, and the two Americans more than hold their own. Even the softer 1967 Kennedy found that for all of his criticisms of American policy, he didn't condemn the country enough in the eyes of these kids. So he ended up reverting to a more strident defense of the U.S. What a wonderful example of patriotism from two Americans. How great would it be to have this kind of forum now with John McCain and one of the prominent Democrats. It would be a nice reminder that for all the legitimate criticisms of the U.S., lots of people out there hold insane, unmovable views about our country that have little concern for making us better.

A must read.

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