Friday, June 11, 2004

Robert Jacobs Murdered

The news media is full of coverage of Ronald Reagan, and by now most of you have heard that Ray Charles has also passed away. I would like to point out a death that the news has largely passed over but means a good deal to me. For the second time in thirteen months, muslim terrorists have murdered someone that I know.

Robert Jacobs was shot at his villa and died later in a hospital. He was a graphic artist with whom I had extensive incidental contact because his supervisor was a good friend of mine who I visited often. Like Clifford Lawson, murdered when terrorists bombed the Vinnell compound in May 2003, I did not know Bob Jacobs well enough to really call him a friend, but I did know him well enough to feel a sense of loss when I read his name and saw his photograph. Tellingly, he was an admirer of Arab food, customs, and culture, and yet he was the one that the terrorists chose to kill.

There are quite a few in the media and the left (usually the same thing) who maintain that this terrorism is a response to American imperialism, capitalism, or the Republican Party. They're all wrong. This terrorism came from a logic internal to the Arab world which uses the West as an excuse but is entirely grounded in the failings of the Arab world. It is entirely evil and very personal. Politics be damned, no one can tell me that Clif and Bob desrved to die. If you meet someone who doesn't get this, send them to me and I'll explain it to them. Personally.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Ahh, excellent, an anonymous argument by non sequitor. Real strong stuff there. Ren said nothing about Islam in his post. And look at us bloodthirsty Americans using violence as a solution to disagreements. Jeez, that would be like, oh I don't know, blowing up airplanes and public places, or murdering Olymipic athletes, or bombing Marine barracks, or blowing up embassies, or trying to topple buildings, or cutting heads off of journalists and civilians, or crashing planes into buildings, or assassinating or trying to assassinate political leaders, or just generally deliberately trying to kill as many civilians as possible to solve disputes.

You better come with something better than that if you want to be taken seriously in the Big Tent.