Friday, May 14, 2004

Job Interview Part 2

I had my second interview at college number two. I am not optimistic. Although my meeting with the history faculty went well, the meeting with the college president and the dean seemed a little limp. I got the impression that they were a little to excited about "teaching innovation." They didn't like how much I lectured.
Too many education buzzwords: "collaborative learning," "Group learning," and the like. They were also concerned that I lectured too fast, and that I assigned too much reading. They mentioned how 1/3 of their students were not native English speakers. It seemed like code for "lower your standards."
But most of all, I just did not have any chemistry with either of them. It is frustrating, since I am pretty good at getting students to rise to meet my expectations.
Perhaps I just need to have a cup of coffee. Four separate interviews processes in three states (including two trips to California) in two weeks can be a little draining. I will be happy to spend next weekend at home. I need keep cranking out revisions on the ol' dis. I have discovered that I am now unable to read or type on an airplane without getting woosy. This is a terrible time to acquire that particular disability.

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