Thursday, April 08, 2004

My apologies for how rough this is, but I want to comment as I watch the Rice testimony.
1. Rice is the smartest person in that room
2. Who are these people applauding in the gallery? They need to throw those people out. This is not the Jerry Springer Show.
3. Richard Ben-Veniste is testifying, not asking questions. He is coming off as a bully-- leading questions.
4. Again with the applauding.
5. The behavior of the panel is appalling, as is the ridiculous applauding coming from the gallery. All of this shows exactly why Executive propelled exists and why Rice's public testimony was a bad idea. Grandstanding by panel members.

I am reminded of Walter Lippmann's columns during the McCarthy era. Lippmann warned again and again about this kind of rude, bullying, grandstanding by this kind of committee. There was absolutely not need for this testimony to be public if it was truly concerned with fact-finding. Fact-finding would be helped by committee members asking questions and getting answers. Even the more reasonable members of the committee are clearly asking their questions with soft, qualifying, language in order to send the proper message to the public.
Ben-Veniste is playing to the gallery, nothing more. It is one of the most disgusting displays I have ever witnessed.

They need to clear that gallery. This is a joke and an insult to Dr. Rice, the White House, and the dignity of our government.

Ben-Veniste is at it again. He is not interested in the answers to his so-called questions either. Is he running for President? VP? Trying to launch a new career for himself? Wanting a place in a footnote in a history book?

Why aren't the more responsible members of this committee getting a handle on this process? That committee owes Condoleezza Rice an apology. This is a fundamentally un-serious, un-substantive proceeding.

I have too much work to do to waste my time watching this political joke.

Hold on.

Fielding is asking a real question. Rice is giving a real answer. Note, check the transcript later on the differences between the millenium threat and pre-9/11. Great point about the value of "shaking the trees" and "principles meetings."
She was obviously prepped for that question. Knocked it out of the park.

Gorelick is up.
She is starting in with this "tree shaking" business again. Again with the applause from the gallery. Much more reasonable than Ben-Veniste. A little grandstanding at the beginning of her question, but she got around to asking a real question. Rice pointing out that all the warnings concerned threats abroad.

Something emerging as a theme. Why wasn't the office of Homeland Security organized before 9/11? Why wasn't the patriot act passed before 9/11? Why didn't we invade Afghanistan before 9/11? After all, some people and panels had warned some other people about some threats and issued some reports...

Another stupid thing the gallery cheers for: declassifying intelligence documents. Are they serious?

This is bad for my blood pressure.

Slade Gorton:
Lobbed a softball. But he is getting out his points well. Short questions at least. Getting out the point that Pakistan was on the fence before 9/11 and they were a sticking point on a whole host of issues.
Gorton and Rice are getting at some important issues, but again, he is asking questions he already knows the answers to.
I suppose this is fulfilling some kind of public information service, but that is not what the NSA is supposed to do, and that is not what this commission was supposed to be for.

Gorton is asking some better questions now, but they are all of the "public education" variety. Shouldn't this committee focus on asking Rice questions about her unique knowledge?

Starting off with admiration. Apologizing for his tone in advance.
Good point. War is on Islamic Fundamentalism, not terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic. I will have to think about it, but at least it is not crazy.
And asked "Please do not applaud."
Good for him! He just won my respect. God bless him. He may be mistaken on particular issues, but it looks like he is actually sincere. Glad I stuck around to watch him. Maybe the Democratic Party is not a lost cause.
Kerry is asking a good question. Rice is giving a good answer. Tactical versus strategic planning.

It is getting a little heated, but ok. Kerry still getting at an old question, why wasn't the government reorganized before 9/11? I understand he is frustrated, but he needs to take a deep breath and think about what he is asking.
A threat spike could never have led to a reorganization of the American government.

John Lehman is up. I need to get to work. I will read the transcript later.

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