Friday, March 12, 2004

I am inclined to doubt the truth of this story, for a number of reasons. An example:

"The website designer, a convert to Islam, had gone to Pakistan in October 2001, a few weeks after September 11, to study Muslim culture.

He accidentally strayed into Afghanistan - believing he was being driven to Turkey - and was arrested as a spy, perhaps because of his British passport. He was held in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and fell into US hands."

Umm, maybe my geography skills are off, but if you are being DRIVEN from Pakistan to Turkey, you must go through Afghanistan, not to mention Iran, to get there. Any why the hell would you drive anyway? You're a website designer--fly coach for God's sake. I happen to know for a fact that you can fly British Airways between Karachi and Istanbul on a daily basis (those of you who know me know how and why I know this).

The Daily Mirror is usually so reliable. I will never trust the validity and integrity of British tabloids ever again.

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