Saturday, March 13, 2004

From the Big Tent mailbox (Maple Leaf edition), a report from the great white capital, Canada City:

Since you asked, I thought maybe I'd give you an update.

This contaminated pig meat story is largely just another case of a headline oversensationalizing the facts of the story. Not only did the sick bastard never sell commercially, he apparently only gave whole, unprocessed animals to locals. See here.

As for actual news from back home: There's a major corruption scandal ongoing that may date back as far as 1994 and involve people at the highest levels, including the former and current Prime Ministers. The new PM is only 4 months into his administration and already preparing for a general election (not all the unusual; just look at how many 6 month PMs Canada's had in its history), which he may lose. The main opposition party is gaining in the polls, but is still looking for a leader, and may choose a completely inexperienced auto-parts company heiress (she's good-looking though). Of course, that's probably only if she buys enough phony memberships in Quebec. But most importantly, Weber's is open again (best burgers in the country, if not elsewhere).

You asked, so there you go.

(I'm sorry.)

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