Sunday, March 21, 2004 - Politics - Transcript: McCain, Lieberman on 'Fox News Sunday': "Look, what — I am campaigning for President Bush's reelection. I'm his co-chairman here in Arizona. I have campaigned for him in New Hampshire, and I will continue to do so.

John Kerry is a friend of mine. I don't choose to attack or disparage him, and I will not. But I am — and that to me is important. I know that having a friend in Washington from another party is not acceptable to some in Washington.

MCCAIN: I have two words for them: Too bad.

I intend to emphasize the positives of President Bush's record. I believe he led this nation with moral clarity and great strength after September 11th, and I want to get him reelected.

But I will not attack John Kerry. I disagreed with him, and said so at the time, on the vote of the $87 billion. I have disagreed with him on other votes because he is a Democrat and I am a Republican. And could I also finally say, I am not a candidate for vice president of the United States in 2004, and I will not leave the Republican Party, end of story?"

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