Tuesday, March 30, 2004

By the way, I disagree with at least one aspect of that Brooks' article. Anyone who has applied for a top-flight job in the private sector, to graduate school, or for a teaching position in the academy knows damn well that it matters what school is on your diploma. I wish we lived in a world where we all went to the colleges or universities that fit us best, took advantage of all the opportunities at that place, and then were judged on our abilities. But it just isn't the case. David Brooks shouldn't lie to prospective students about the reality of the world. For anyone who might be paying attention: if you get into one of the top flight schools as a undergrad or graduate student, go there. Your college education will be what you make out of it. But pretty much only if your diploma says "Yale" or "Harvard" or "Stanford" or "Michigan" etc. will you get a fair chance at the best jobs to prove it.

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