Thursday, March 25, 2004

As slow as it is around here and in the news, it must be spring break for everyone. In the media's search for stories common sense seems to be in short supply.

Let's recap with my crappy versions of Scrappleface-esque headlines:

GOP: 'Clinton should have killed bin Laden so we could have accused him of wagging the dog'

Kobe Bryant trial begins, still no verdict.

Dems upset over Florida election results, 9-11 'ancient history'

Richard Clarke feels bad he didn't stop 9-11--Oprah to give him a hug. (See the Scrappleface stories on the rest of his blabbering, especially the way George Bush's fanatical obsession with Iraq led him to delay the invasion until after Afghanistan.)

Aftermath of Yassin killing: Hamas angry at Israel, to begin killing Israelis

Peace movement: Iraq not a threat, U.S. should invade Saudi Arabia, North Korea

Bush lies about WMDs, anticipating political gain from not finding any

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